Into every life a little rain must fall – and on Sunday, Aug 15, the rain in my life came in the form of the Blond Bimbo! According to popular English language, bimbo is often used to describe a woman that is basically attractive but has low intelligence or a poor education. I don’t believe the ‘blond bimbo” that came into my life is either lacking intelligence or education – unless you consider the social graces part of education. If you do, in that case, she qualifies as a bimbo!
According to the announcement made over the PA system at the Pow Wow in Tama, a photographer from the Marshalltown Times-Republican newspaper was there taking pictures. I do believe THAT was my bimbo. She may have had a job to do, an assignment to complete, but she continually showed total disregard for the rest of us there with our amateur photographic experience. And, just maybe, she would have been a little less obtrusive if she had dressed a little ‘quieter!’
I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do with her as she constantly plopped herself in front of my camera and view finder. I suppose I could have moved, but with a walker and oxygen, it was, I’m sure, much more difficult for me to get around to get the “perfect shot” than it was for her. Initially, I thought of clubbing her over the head with my oxygen tank – but I need the oxygen. I thought of just jack-slapping her into oblivion, but I don’t have the lung power to perform that task. So, I grudgingly accepted her ill manners and unprofessionalism.
I’m sorry I don’t have a subscription to the Marshalltown Times-Republican so I can cancel it!
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