Saturday, May 1, 2010

April 25 - May 1 HAPPY MAY DAY!

Sunday April 25 Woke to 60 degrees and sunny; not too humid; not too windy! How did I luck out! Lunch with Johnnie and her family, then off to the Laundromat. Back to the Lunch with Johnnie the Laundromat routine for Sundays!

I'm thinking of getting an internet radio (not satellite). From what I've read, I'll need my own wifi or something. I need to talk to a computer guru. It all sounds ‘foreign’ to me. But I am definitely a radio person. Sometimes I can't even remember to turn on the TV for the news!

Monday was another sunny day. 54 degrees, still having to drag out a sweater in the morning! But sometime in June, July, August, I'll wish it was cool enough to drag out a sweater in the morning.

My closet rod fell. I hadn't been in the closet since I got here, had plenty of clothes out to wear so didn't need to open the closet door. When I went to put my laundry away, the whole rod, all the clothes, on the floor. That shelf is just not sturdy enough to support a rod that long. I had put some extra support hooks in, but they pulled out. The shelf above isn't much thicker than paneling and the supports hook into that shelving. In the meantime, my clothes are all on the bed. Doesn't give Li'lBit, Holly and me much sleeping space so I really needed to get that taken care of right away.

Didn't take much to fix it. Just standing on my head to get the screws in! Added a support board. I used my battery operated drill to pre-drill the holes and a ratchet screw driver to screw them in, now, just how lazy is THAT! I'm such a handy-man!

BUT, I'm still carrying way too many clothes. Will take some time to sort some out and give them to Brenda, she can always find someone that can use them. I don't "dress up" much so one pair of slacks and a nice shirt is all I need! I guess I'm just a social butterfly with jeans & t-shirt folks.

I do need to figure a place for my towels. I had them in one of those hanging things that goes across a closet rod and that was a lot of weight on the one end. Time to dig out a couple of those plastic drawers I have stashed in the ‘basement.”

Met Brenda for ice tea at Dairy Queen. She had a patient cancel this afternoon so we met for a visit! Nice treat after being cramped up in the closet.

Wednesday, 61 degrees and sunny! YIPPEE!! Happy Birthday Helen. I’m tellin’ ya – if I knew I was gonna live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself! Famous Last Words!

Came in from Johnnie's last nite and there was a nice card on my steps under a flower pot. Brenda's mom had stopped by and left it. She never forgets. Guess that is just one of those "mother' things!

Alissa called, my only niece. I’m soooo proud of her. Her birthday is April 21 – so we are almost ‘twins’ – separated by about 39 years!

Met Lou Bright and his wife for a late lunch at Ranchers. Love their hamburgers on sourdough buns. Then, about 5:30, Brenda and her nieces and daughter took me to my favorite Mexican place for supper. They even supplied a chocolate birthday cake and a funny birthday card. Leave it to the girls! When I opened it there was a recording of dogs barking Happy Birthday. Just doesn't get much better than that! It’s always a good birthday when you don’t have to bake your own birthday cake!

April 29th, dreary, windy, gusts to 50 mph -- glad I’m not on the road towing this 5er! At least we had some rain to settle the dust and the pollen. A good day to stay inside and mess with the computer!

Picked up my repaired computer yesterday and spent most of Thursday reinstalling some smaller programs I use like the weatherbug and my print-key program. Also the anti-virus and MS office programs. So that kept me busy for awhile!

Put a brisket in the crock pot. I'm so hungry for brisket but don't want to get out the grill. The crock pot is the lazy way out! I was heart-broken when I pulled back into Gatesville and found that my favorite BBQ wagon was gone! The owner retired. The Nerve Of HIM! He left me without my favorite BBQ and beans!!!

The last day of April, 74 degrees, windy, dreary. Been quite windy for a couple of days. At least it is blowing the pollen out of the air, but stirring up the dust. A little rain would settle the dust. Have the dehumidifier going, 88% humidity today!

Didn’t sleep too good last nite. Kept waking up smelling that brisket in the crock pot; hungry all nite!

Saturday May 1 – HAPPY MAY DAY! Some great childhood memories of making May baskets out of the old wall paper sample books, filling them with flowers and sweets and taking them to friends. I remember the May Pole dance at school. Fun Times!

Had another storm (but no hail) come thru last nite. Just lasted a couple of hours. This morning the air is 'heavy' but cool and the pollen and dust have been washed out again! YIPPEE. Last storm my hanging baskets were really battered by hail. Hope they come back...if not, I'll replant them when I get to Iowa.

Finally got my 'automatic' roof vent to work. It's such a pain in the butt, 'cuz I have to bring in the ladder so I can get up close enough to the ceiling to push and pull the buttons and switches. Now that I have it set, it's good for the summer, I can control it by the thermostat. I hate climbing on ladders...just too old, too fat and the knees don't work.

Cindy stopped by with a horribly sinful chocolate cake. I think it is 90% dark fudge frosting filled with pecans! A spoonful at a time is enough for a ‘chocolate high!’ AND, some Pink Stuff. I absolutely love Pink Stuff. Never heard of it ‘til I moved to TX but the fluffy salad with pineapple is so yummy!

Ran into some difficulties with getting oxygen thru Lincare - or maybe the problem continues to be VA since they work with a local oxygen supplier. Guess I'll just wait until I get to Iowa and see what I can work out up there. GEEZ, if it wasn't for the weather and medical garbage, I wouldn't have anything to bitch about! Life is Good and I AM Blessed!

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