With my 5th wheel permanently settled in Rockport TX, I have a winter home; a recently purchased new-to-me travel trailer to tow to Iowa for my summer home. Of course that means before long, I may have a third home - a room at the Poor Farm!
March and April saw many of my winter friends hitching up and pulling out, traveling to points north. I'm sure many got back to Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan and other midwestern states while plenty of snow was still on the ground from the late storms blowing across the plains.
Ever since my 'close disasters' on my trip back from Iowa last fall, I have wondered how difficult it would be to make the decision to pull off the road. Believe me, it was easy! Watching the Winter Texans pack up and hitch up previously has brought on a good case of 'hitch itch.' Not this time. It just wasn't there. The decision was made without any mental turmoil! I'm so grateful! Making the decision was something I thought I would dread. My only concern was wondering how I would continue my summers in Iowa without towing the RV north. The answer: find a small travel trailer! So, the search began.
Needless to say, the past month or so has been hectic - fortunately the weather cooperated in my search for a travel trailer. And, thanks to my friends, Deryl & Elke, I had extra eyes to check out possibilities.
March 22nd was a 'landmark' day for me. Li'lBit and I walked to the office building without walker or oxygen! Oh, we wouldn't win any race or set any speed records, but we did it! Then, to put a little icing on that cake, I started walking to the laundry room. Pulled my little 'old lady shopping basket/cart' out of the undercompartment and loaded it with laundry and pulled it along behind me. Oh, I must have been a sight! But I did it! Gradually, I'm getting better at getting around without the oxygen. I finally turned in my oxygen tanks issued by Temple VA. No more portable oxygen (except my personal concentrator in the truck) but my doc here did order a concentrator for use at night. Maybe that's the trick. Sleeping with oxygen! To put an even better shine on my medical report, at my last appointment, Apr 14, the report read: weight - DOWN; blood sugar - DOWN; cholesterol - DOWN; blood pressure - DOWN! Get outta my way, I just may live forever!
Not knowing if I would find a travel trailer suitable and in my price range (which wasn't much!), I stated planning for summer in Rockport. Ordered a new bathing suit and pruchased a gas grill. Booklet said it takes 30 minutes, took me a couple of hours! THEN, afer strugling with it, I noticed a slip of paper in the box saying, "This item qualified for FREE ASSEMBLY" Now they tell me!
The routine get-togethers started winding down since nearly all activities are 'guest driven." As the leaders of the craft classes, etc., started heading north, the activities were put 'on hold' until next winter. The participants at the Tuesday morning ladies coffee were fewer and fewer; the potluck Friendship Suppers where smaller and smaller.
A 'cold front' came blowing thru early March - required pulling my 'hoodie' out of the closet! Down to 43 degrees in the AM. L'ilBit and Holly manage to keep warm cuddled up in the recliner! Lasted a few days, then back to warmer weather and pleasant out-door time for reading and brushing Li'lBit.

Managed to finish a 700+ page book on the Princes of Ireland/Dublin and promised myself never to take on another historical novel at that depth. So, a month later I've plunged into a 1000+ page book on London by the same author. Sometimes I think I don't think!
A couple of trips back to Gatesville to visit friends were so enjoyable. I stopped at the Temple Bird Mart on my way back to Rockport on March 19. I miss my association with so many of my 'bird folk' friends. It was fun to visit, walk around visiting with vendors that I've known for years. Now I'm looking forward to the end of April and the Corpus Christi bird mart. The bird-dust/feather air didn't seem to bother me as much this year and before. It has to be Rockport air! I do so feel much better since I'm here.
Fuel prices are on their way up again. For the first time in a couple of years, I watched the numbers on the diesel pump run over $100 when filling up. Hopefully, the travel trailer won't cost as much to tow as my 5th wheel. The one I purchased (pictures to follow!) is about 4 feet lower, 10 feet shorter and only about 1/3 the weight of the 5th wheel. It might take some getting used to - haven't towed a bumper pull trailer since 1986. Hopefully it will all come back to me!
March 30 I heard a diesel cranking up about 5:30AM - looked out my bedroom window to see Bonnie and Cleo hitching up. Bonnie standing there with a flashlight beam directed to the 5th wheel and Cleo backing up to the light! Amazing! Then I heard the tell-tale 'clunk' of the kingpin & hitch engaging. I couldn't believe it! I'll definitely miss them. Cleo took care of my plants while I went to central TX and my geraniums have been in full bloom since! He definitely has a green thumb and magic touch!
Decided since I was up so early that morning, I might as well finish my taxes! Gotta love TurboTax! And I'm getting money back - not much but sure better than paying.
March 31 I went to LinCare to turn in the receipt that I turned in my oxygen tanks to Temple VA. As I was coming back into town, decided to turn into Ron Hoover RV and pick up a screen to cover my furnace vents - remember the bird that built a nest in the fan last year! Of course, you know a salesman had to meet me at the door! Saw a little travel trailer being unhitched and told him, "You find something that size that I can afford and I'll look at it." Guess what - it was just being unloaded as a trade-in! I put money down on a 2006 Forest River 23 1/2 ft trailer with rear queen slized bed on a rear slide out. This trailer had my name written all over it. A little more than I wanted to pay, but also a lot newer than what I'd been seeing.
It is a bunkhouse set up. One of my 'requirements' was that it had to have a bed. I didn't want to have to break down a sofa or dining booth every nite for a bed. It had the queen bed and it had a upper bunk in the front of the trailer. The bottom bunk had not been installed, giving me plenty of space for storage (since travel trailers are notoriously lacking undercompartment space), space for critter feeding stations, kitty litter and parrot cage. It is definitely lacking counter space so that's a good excuse to eat out or cook out in Iowa!
And, before I forget, I have to compliment the Knights of Columbus in Rockport for their fantastic Lenten fish fries! Not only do that have delicious lightly fried fish, but they offer baked fish. YUMMY!
April 1 may have been April Fool's day, but it was also "Helen Got Her Loan" Day! Now to get the insurance. It's falling into place. April 5th I did a walk-through of the trailer and once it had been inspected and found to be in working order, I got the call to come pick it up on April 15. Signed the papers, hitched it up, towed it to Deryl & Elke's until I get it loaded. Then emailed Mary at Shady Oaks in Marshalltown to make my reservations for June, July, August!
Li'lBit's scratching is getting worse. No good Iowa roadside medicine down here and she has been rolling in the sand. There is a walk-in vet clinic. Most of the RVers use this walk-in so I'll give it a try. The only vet my vet in Gatesville knows from down here isn't taking new patients. Sounds like government health care!
My patio set came in, table, 4 folding chairs. Deryl put my rocking chair together. Since he wouldn't let me pay him, the next best thing, my treat at the Butter Churn for steak night!

I'm just movin' in! Looks like a Li'l Ol' Lady lives here - rocking chair, potted geraniums and I even have a cat that sleeps in the window.
April 9th was Herb Festival at the community center. Small but nice selection of herbs. Of course I had to buy a few! Also bought a pair of hand-painted wine glasses with hummingbirds on them. Thought I'd look pretty spiffy at wine in a sock nite next winter when they start it all up again.

One of my favorite easy-to-read cozy mystery writers, Susan Wittig Alpert spoke on her China Bayles mystery series and the history of some herbs. They had 1/2 hibiscus tea and 1/2 not-too-sweet lemonade at the concession stand. Of course, being the herb festival, they plopped a sprig of mint on top and it was heavenly! Wish I had been able to buy it by the jug! Made some when I got home and didn't taste nearly as good. Maybe they sweetened the hibiscus tea. Will have to keep working on it to find that refreshing flavor.
While at the post office Pam, the lady at the window, invited me to join her group of ladies that goes to lunch on Wednesdays. They were meeting at Pop's in Lamar. Nice group of women. Gives me another group to enjoy foods and friends with!

It's getting lonely in the TrailerHood!