Sunday, July 14, 2013

Winter Comes to an End in Rockport

 I’ve been neglectful again and it is ‘catch up’ time.    It’s a little  difficult to get in to the mood to post to the blog when all I have to say is – my lungs crapped out again; can’t seem to catch a good breath lately; I’m tired of meds and respiratory treatments for fluid in the lungs…….and on and on with the complaints.  But, I really shouldn’t complain - any day I can wake up and put my feet on the floor and catch a breath of air is a good day.
I didn’t participate in much at the park over the winter….just didn’t have the ‘oompf’ or the ‘lung power.’   But it wasn’t all set home and whine.  I did manage to get out and about to meet the “in town’ gang for lunch several times and meet Donna at our favorite spots – Whataburger and HuDat’s!   Kathy spent the winter down at Shady Oaks (the southern version!) and that meant a few trips to Shempy’s for fried green beans.
I knew summer was coming and started planning my trip to Iowa.  Needed to get some repairs done on the trailer so I spent several days – well, more like several weeks! – unloading it.    But isn’t that why I got the trailer  – and stocked it so well – so I wouldn’t have to load and unload anything but some foodstuffs, some clothes and the critters?   But, going in for repairs, and I knew they would have to remove the rear slide, I removed everything – lug, tote, cart, carry – just so I could lug, tote, cart, carry when it was time to reload!
Trailer went in the end of March…..hoping to have it back in time to load it and be on the road the middle of May.  Just made it – got it back – only to find the rear slide STILL didn’t work.  The RV service sent out a guy to check it – and it didn’t work!  Isn’t that what I said!!   So it will have to go back in when I get back to TX in the fall.  I’m not delaying my trip north.   It will be another summer of swear words and temper tantrums over the stupid slide screwing up again and again and again!   Fortunately, I will have someone in Gatesville to help me get it back in and someone in Iowa to help.   But I will be fighting with it myself while I’m on the road.
Monday, May 20th, I hit the road for Gatesville – but only after another trip to the tire place for 2 new tires on the trailer!   Oh, and the A/C went out on the truck the week before I left Rockport!  Here we go again!


1 comment: said...

Thanks for posting this. I wish it was able to be translated, but for some reason Google toolbar isn't working. I copy pasted it into another application and read the post.