Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Super Simple Soup

I do not know the 'real' name of this soup. I found the recipe in a magazine at the doctor's office and just jotted the ingredients in a note pad. But I do know it was one of Del Monte's recipes.

You will need a crock pot or soup kettle and a can opener!

1 can Del Monte Italian Beans, drained
1 can Del Monte Zucchini with Italian-Style Tomato Sauce
1 can Del Monte Peas and Carrots
1 can Del Monte Diced Tomatoes with Basil, Garlic and Oregano
1 can chicken or beef broth

Combine all ingredients in large pot. Bring to boil; reduce heat and simmer 3 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. (Taste before adding since the canned vegetables have salt in them.)

I had some left over Penna Pasta in speghetti sauce with sliced Italian sausage and a couple of meat balls in the freezer. Just as the soup was warmed, I dumped the pasta, sausage, meatballs in and warmed it up. DELICIOUS!

I have made this soup with other vegetable combinations when I am unable to find the specific vegetables mentioned. It is still good and filling!


honeybee57 said...

Hi billymax - like your blog. Love rv life style. It's a lot better when you get to travel around tho. Will try your recipes. Check out my health recipes - nothing to buy - just shareing healthy stuff.


alyup said...

I love your blog and hope the long spell between posts just means that you are busy and enjoying life - not sick or anything.

alyup said...

Missing your posts. Hope all is well.