Monday, August 23, 2010

August 14 - 22 Iowa's Tropical Rainforest and Skeeters on Steroids!

Got word from Deryl and Elke on Saturday they made it back to Texas just in time to mow grass “as high as an elephant’s eye!” (Or was that the corn in OKLAHOMA) They left just in time. My sister made a trip into Des Moines and said that many low spots and roads were still under water and detours abound.

Heat and humidity remain high and thankfully, my air conditioner remains ‘healthy’ and working. Spent most of the day playing with the computer, trying to get my recipes all in one place and researching some future day trips. I find doing that sort of stuff a lot of fun and time goes rapidly, however, just setting pounding a keyboard doesn't help the lungs and the joints! Need to get movin'!

HALLELUJAH! The sun was out Sunday morning! Nice breeze, humidity and dew point down, A/C OFF, windows and door open and vent fan humming away! Terrific Sunday Morning!

Bea called about 8:30 AM to say she would pick me up at noon, we'd go to the Pow Wow. I really needed to get out and get the 'stink blown off' as Mom used to say! I find the longer the weather keeps me cooped up, the harder it is for me to get out and about and active again. I just HATE that feeling.

According to the paper, the Pow Wow started at 1PM. Found out at the gate the start time was 1:30; we were in plenty of time. No problem getting around, I was prepared, walker, oxygen and thanks to Ingrid’s reminder, an umbrella for the sun. I finally told Bea, after a little over 2 hours in the arena, that I was ready to leave! I don't know how they manage all that dancing in that regalia on that hot asphalt! WHEW! More energy than this ol' lady has! After weeks of being cooped up in the RV because of the weather, this was an 'overwhelming' first day out for any length of time. I didn't, however, leave without some yummy fry bread!

After a couple of hours at home, cooling off in the A/C, my sister calls – let’s go back to Tama to the casino for buffet. So, off we go! I was in hog heaven – seafood nite! In the meantime, my crock pot was simmering with a beef roast. After 24 hours, it was going to fall apart and make some great shredded beef sandwiches!

A little red-headed wood pecker (actually, I think it is a flicker) has been frequenting my bird feeder. There must be baby wrens 'cuz mom and dad are at the feeder all of the time. The little nuthatch characters are there, too. Other than sparrows and robins, that's all I've seen at the feeders. No hummingbirds or orioles, even though the hummingbird and oriole feeders empty, I’ve never seen who/what is sucking out that syrupy liquid!

Woke up Monday morning thinking, “OK, TEXAS! Eat your heart out!” 57 degrees, zilch on the humidity, nice breeze! Almost sweater weather! Sun was shining - birds were singing – coffee was fresh and hot!

When I started downloading from the camera, I realized I had taken 96 pics at the Pow Wow! Actually, I had no idea what I was getting a picture of since I couldn't see in that darn LCD viewer (or whatever it is that goes BLACK when the sun hits it!) Anyway, I just pointed the camera where I THOUGHT the picture would be and then took two or three of the same thing by moving the camera a little in both directions - hoping to get something! So, I may have 96 pictures, but only about 1/3 of them were worth anything!

Rained on Tuesday - what's new, huh? Think I did a little too much walking and had a little too much sun on Sunday at the Pow Wow. I parked myself at the computer, edited pictures and did some on line research for some more day trips. While in Tama, I picked up a CD on the history of the Mesqwaki people. Gave me a really good excuse for setting on my butt! Not wanting to make any historical or cultural blunders while working on the narrative for the blog, I sent my drafts to a friend much more in tune with the Native culture for critique! Thanks Ingrid!

I've been blessed (or maybe cursed!) with a substantial stock of zucchini and cucumbers. I cannot believe I did this, but I made pickles on Tuesday. I thought I was finished with all that canning stuff when I moved into the RV!

Heard from Rain and Sid, they made it to their destination – always concerned when RVing friends hit the road.

Wednesday, I met Ingrid at the Kalona Bakery for a sandwich – just a quick visit. Great day lunching and chatting! Two things I'm good at -- eating and talking!

I wanted to hit the Stringtown Grocery one more time before I head back to TX. Storing dehydrated stuff is so much easier than putting up with cans and always needing to run to the store for fresh produce when I only need a little bit for the crock pot. It's taking me awhile to get used to working with the dehydrated vegetables, but it sure does save pantry space and weight. Also, RV refrigerators aren’t the best at keeping produce fresh.

Stopped by Brooklyn on the way home. I’ve seen the sign along the interstate “Community of Flags” and decided it was time to drive thru and just see what that’s all about.

Wednesday evening Tinga was on my shoulder trying to chew my off my lips. I bought some roasted/salted green peas at Stringtown (I can eat the entire bag of those things) but Tinga thought she needed some; would not eat her own! Guess she thought I was going to chew them for her! WRONG!

Have no idea what woke me up about 3:30 AM Thursday, but whatever it was, I couldn't get back to sleep! Went to town to wash off the truck. Birds had a pooping convention in the tree over my truck; white truck was shades of green, brown & a runny creamy color! Car wash -- $1 for TWO MINUTES! Took $3 and I still didn't get it clean! But at least most of the left overs from the bird convention were gone!

Errands and the 'funnest' RV job of all - emptying the sewer tank! Doesn't get any 'funner' than that! Truck will be at the body shop all next week - wanted to get stuff done since I'll be 'truckless' for about a week. Humidity and dew point started inching up before noon.

Allergies have really kicked in. Spent the rest of the day hibernating here in the A/C.

I have been craving dill! Of course, it could be that it's summer! While at Stringtown, I picked up a loaf of dill bread. Been chowing down on BLTs on toasted dill bread but didn’t invite my sister – she’s not a tomato person! And you can’t have BLTs without the T! If I hadn't used all of my 'free' cukes, I'd make some dill pickles but they found their way into a salad with sliced onions, sour cream, vinegar and DILL weed!

Friday was laundry day, then met my sister for lunch. Dropped the keys to the truck off at the body shop. They need the truck first thing Monday AM and my sister has meetings – school starts – hectic time for her.

Branches down in the park, my flower pots that were under the RV (empty ones) were blown to the other side of my RV into the space next to me and the table cloth and the lawn chair were blown down and up by the steps. Must have had a lot more wind in the park than I noticed while I was in town. Once home, my weather radio was working overtime weather alerts all over the place, luckily nothing too close to me!

Saturday was a ‘nothing day.’ Spent the day fighting allergies and cloistered away with the A/C going. I’m beginning to wonder if I came to Iowa for the summer or if I took the wrong turn and ended up in a Tropical Rain Forest!

Took a pass on Brunch with Bea on Sunday – decided we’d do supper instead. I dropped the truck at the body shop, we grabbed supper from the “old folks menu” at Perkins. I stopped at the grocery to get a few things I may need during the week like eggs, milk, bread! YES, I know, I’m in Iowa and I’m still eating EGGS! Cholesterol and Salmonella be damned! I’m gonna eat my EGGS!

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