Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 1 - 6 Winter Comes To Rockport

Tuesday woke up about 3AM, my legs were so cramped and killing me! Did more walking yesterday without walker and oxygen than I've done in YEARS, I think! The right one was still a little stiff when I finally crawled out of bed, but that is the one I usually land on when I fall. Woke to 58 degrees, winds picked up some, gusting to 40mph – then the temp dropped to 47 by 9AM. At least the sun was still out and it wasn’t raining!

Sid came by to put a hook on my screen door so I can secure it a little better and a hook under my cabinet so I can hang a rope for Tinga. I so enjoy having Sid and Rain here – even if just for a couple of days.

Watched the weather channel a lot, hoping the storm blowing across the country doesn’t bury my sister in Iowa. I heard they closed the Dallas airport and this is Super Bowl weekend! OOPS! Of course it doesn't take much bad weather to close anything down here! They were already predicting rain, freezing rain or snow for Thursday (they are calling it a 'wintery mix'.)

Sid and Rain gave me quite a chunk of brisket they had grilled before they came here. And of course you know I had to test-taste it -- YUMMY! It made some great BBQ sandwiches on Super Bowl Sunday.

Deryl & Elke left in the AM and made it to Kinder LA. I’m always so anxious to hear from them when they are on the road. They should be back Thurs if the weather is OK.

Sid & Rain and I went to Los Comales Tuesday night for deep fried avocadoes. They would be leaving out in the AM. Hopefully the ‘wintery mix’ predicted will stay away long enough for them and for Deryl & Elke to get where they are going.

Weather predicted to remain below freezing for several days. Forgot to fill my water pitchers when I disconnected the water hose so had to go outside and fill it from the faucet before the water went off. I have bottled water but figured I'd save it in case the water stays off longer than planned. Have plenty in my holding tank for flushing and cleaning but wanted to make sure I had fresh water for tea, coffee and the critters!

Water will be off at the park for a couple of days - down here the pipes aren't much below the surface and if it is going to be below freezing for 6-8 hrs, they are frozen! Doesn't look like we will get much above freezing until Friday. Sure have made some use of the hoodies my sister sent me.

AND, Texas, not used to all this excess electrical use due to people using electric space heaters has been having rolling black outs across the state to conserve electricity. RV 12 volt system and storage batteries really help!

Wednesday Feb 2 Sid & Rain left sometime before 7AM. I had Li'lBit out then and their RV was gone. Sorry I didn't get to say good-bye -- but then, that's one of those things like in the military - never say good-bye, just say “see ya down the road!" Hope they get WAY down the road before the “wintery mix" starts. It’s lonely seeing their spot empty. They are, indeed, special friends.

23 degrees Wednesday AM and never went above 33 all day! At least the snow/slush/ice/rain was put off in the forecast until Thursday. Which may be why Sid left early, they are headed to Mississippi. Of course the wintery weather is too.

My electric bill for January was $81. Not bad since the computer and crock pot go all day; radio goes all day and night for the critters (and for me!) Still use space heater when needed!

Thursday Feb 3 Xin Nián Kuài LèHAPPY NEW YEAR The year of the rabbit Brrrrr....25 degrees, I could use some nice mittens lined in rabbit fur! At least it wasn’t too windy. According to the weatherman, 1/2 inch of ice was on its way. Thursday AM is craft day and they are making recipe books -- wanted to do that -- but didn’t want to go out in the cold. Won't be going to Friendship Supper Thursday, either. But I did have to head to town to run some last minute errands. I needed to get to Walmart to change my Rx -- gave me the wrong glucose strips when I picked up my Rx the other day.

Glad I have lots of pee-papers for Li'lBit 'cuz I'm not going out unless I absolutely have to. You know Texas folk just can’t handle this cold crap! All the way up to 30 degrees by noon but no 'wintery mix.’

What a comedy of errors at WalMart Rx to get the strips changed. I had called about the mix-up; arrived at pharmacy shortly after 9AM when they opened. Definitely the right hand did not know what the left hand was doing. I was shuttled from one line to the next until nearly noon! Granted a whole bunch of folks were in there to stock up on meds prior to the ‘wintery mix’ – but all I needed was for them to correct THEIR mistake and it was like pulling teeth! At least I met some really nice folks setting and waiting and standing in line! When they told me it would be ‘about an hour” (for the second time!) I decided to pick up some groceries and save a trip in later in the week.

Ended up buying a whole chicken and immediately put it in the oven with some vegetables when I got home. Surprising how warm this place stays with the oven going. I still had one full tank of propane, but knew this one was getting really low. Propane truck comes Friday. But we are to start warming up Sat -- maybe up into the 50s - so if I don't need a tank filled tomorrow - I'll still be good until he comes Tuesday....unless the weather man lied to me!

Finally heard from both Deryl & Elke and Sid & Rain. Now my ol’ ticker can settle down. It is like taking a stress test without the treadmill when I have friends on the road in bad weather.

Got down to 19 Thursday night. No snow, just sleety ice all over everything -- at least not t hick enough to make the tree branches hang. Didn't even take Li'lBit out -- This AM Li'lBit hit the top two steps going out and was slipping and sliding and turned around and came back in!! That was enough warning for me! But I did need to unhook the propane tank and set it out – just in case the truck did show up. I guess that is what old towels and small throw rugs are for – covering the steps and providing a path to walk on! The concrete under the 5th wheel overhang was clear and then I could walk and stand on the grass to get the tank out. Worked like a charm! Sure glad my sister sent hoodies! Must be global warming!

Put a pot of chili in the crock pot so I'll handle staying in just fine!

Propane truck came in mid-afternoon Friday, made it about ½ way thru the park and ran out of propane. He said he'd be here Saturday morning and he was. My Knight in Shining Armor! Hooked the water back up, I'm back to normal! Well, ‘normal’ is debatable!

Motor home next door to me left on Saturday. Several have already pulled out. I think some had planned on going last week but the weather changed their plans. Usually don’t see people leaving on the weekend.

My mind has been wandering about the possibility of getting a small travel trailer to take to Iowa and leave. Will depend on how cheaply I can pick one up and what it will cost for me to store it in Iowa. I've emailed my sister to start looking for a storage place and get some rates. Then the critters and I will just drive back and forth to Iowa. I think I can spend more summers up there if I don't have to haul this 5er on every trip. After the experience trying to get this one licensed in Iowa (!!!), I'd really rather buy one down here and tow it up.

Sunday Feb 6 Woke to Sunny Days and 55 degrees! Feels wonderful to have the door and windows open for a change. It’s Super Bowl Sunday – are you ready for some football!? Spent a sunny warm (up to 70 degrees) afternoon outside with Li’lBit – she loafed around and I read!

Deryl & Elke left for Louisiana to pick up another trailer today and planning on being back before the next 'cold front' and rain blows in late Wednesday or Thursday. I miss them when they are gone – even tho we may not get together much – it’s just nice to know they are here.

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