Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Computer Died!

Working on some photos this morning and WHAMMO -- computer died - I mean really died -- 4 legs up -- like an armadillo taking a nap, belly up, on the highway in TX!
I tried, I re-booted, I cursed, I used words I haven't used since I left the military!! NOTHING!

Setting out on the truck, my ancient $300 Acer, WalMart special! It works, but has absolutely NOTHING on it - and no space/memory to put anything on it! So here I am -- working in the "dark ages" of the computer world...BUT only until this weeked.

Ran into the office supply place in town -- ordered a new one - will take the old one in tomorrow AM -- they will try to save what they can -- I hate to loose all of those pictures. Oh, well - I knew better -- I have some backed up on external hard drives but not all of them.

But life goes on - however, I think I'll take a few moments to cry!!

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