Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hail, Hail Rock 'n' Roll - Spring in Central TX


The weather started warming up as we rolled into April. It actually started getting into the 80s. Of course, that doesn't mean the storms are gone - given all of this heating and cooling of the air and all of these Highs and Lows floating across the weather map, I'm keeping the hooded sweatshirts handy. And I'm getting good at securing the critters for the winds!

Had some more strong winds that fipped up the roof vent in the bedroom -- had some leaking but not the damage like the kitchen vent. And guess who rode out the first close call with a tornado warning!! My "go to" place was across the street in the post office building -- one of those older ones made of granite and marble! But I can't take the critters, so I watched the Doppler radar on the computer and decided to stay put.

Oh, we must have been a sight! When I could see the warning was a little more than just a warning, I took the swinging things out of the bird cages, strapped them in with the ratchet strap like I do when we travel. Tossed my comforter over the cages and we huddled together -- the dog, the cat, and me with the laptop - all under the comforter! We rocked and rolled - hail hit the RV -- the winds, the pounding rain - the actual tornado went south by about 5 miles. WHEW!! But 5 miles is a long way in 'tornado talk.'

Too bad I don't have a pair of ruby red shoes like Dorothy had in the Wizard of Oz!

And the storms just kept coming. Oh, interspersed with the winds and the hail and the rain, there were some really sunny nice days. About the time I was ready to put away the sweateers, along comes April 14 -- I wake up to 37 degrees!!!

But the storms weren't over. The end of April brought more winds, rain, hail and flooding all around. The bright side here is that all of this blowing and raining gets a lot of the dust and pollen out of the air and certainly makes it easier for me to breathe! I can't believe I lived in this crappy weather and pollen for over 20 years!

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