Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reflecting on Spring in Gatesville - March/April/May


I guess the worse news during my Gatesville stay came with the income taxes....OUCH!!! Seems I made too much money last year (cashing in my IRA kinda screwed THAT up!) and Uncle Sam wanted some extra bucks. I'm talking several zeroes in front of the decimal point big bucks! Put a crimp in my cash flow! Now, if I can just make it until September when the social security checks kick back in - had to stop them when I decided to keep working - so, Fall '08 should see me on the road to financial recovery.

Of course the cash flow -- or should I say LACK of cash flow isn't helping with the price of diesel going so high! It was during that first part of March that I first saw the price on the diesel pump go over $100 when I finished pumping fuel. And, it hasn't been the last time! So, Li'l Bit and I spent a day or two having a pity party knowing that the price of fuel would probably put a crimp in our traveling and then we got back to the tasks at hand.

The best news was definitely the medical appointments! And I got the once-over, medical, lab, cardiac, pulmonary, and of course, a thorough workover for my crazy infected right eye and they recalibrated my C-PAP. Sure glad I didn't need a new one - I had just spent some high dollars for a 12V cord for that one! Isn't it strange how the simplest electronic equipment can cost so much when they attach the term 'medical' to the name of the part.

I still have the infection from the Herpes Virus (shingles) in the right eye so they cannot do the surgery - the chance of rejection is too great. I cannot read with the right eye but can see colors and shadows/shapes. However, when they put a lense over my classes with little pinpoint holes in it, I can almost read the larger print on the eye chart! I know things are getting better slowly, but I'm still quite disappointed about the eye.

I told the doc they better hurry and get it fixed I need to renew my driver's license next year....he laughed and said, "you only need one good eye and you have that!" That's a frightening thought -- only one good eye to drive!

Doc was pleased with the lab work - no more diabetic meds, no more cholesterol meds, and a big cut-back in the blood pressure meds! YIPPEE! She asked what I'd been doing and I told her about the winter in Rockport -- her comment: "You better get back to Rockport and stay!" I think it might have something to do with the amount of fish I ate while I was there. I'll probably blow all of that out of the water this summer in Iowa pigging out on pork and beef!

So, with the completion of details and paperwork on the house (now it is just 'wait'), medical appointments out of the way for another few months, renewed the license plates, filled out the tax stuff - glad to have that done, it was time to kick back and be a social butterfly. I had three months of visiting and coffee drinking to do with Johnnie, 3 months of visiting and lunches to do with Brenda and Mary Jane and a trip or two to Dairy Queen with Brenda and the girls.

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