Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reflecting on Spring in Gatesville - March/April/May


March, April and May was a big "catch up" time. Finish doing what has to be done at the house -- but also time to catch up with friends, tend to some business like taxes, license plates and insurance, etc. And squeeze in all of my medical appointments at VA. Getting on WiFi is a problem in the Gatesville RV park, but the phone box is still on the pole near my RV, so I'll do the ol' phone modem thing again while I'm here. I do need to remedy the internet hook up problem at sometime, but sure don't want to have the expenditure of a satellite dish or some of the other high-dollar connections.

My primary mission was that house. I just wanted to get out from under it - get rid of the maintenance and upkeep, get rid of the insurance, get rid of the utilities and taxes....that will be a chuck of extra dollars in the bank account each month.

I thought I had a buyer, but that fell through. So, my first stop was to a realtor. Recommended by Cathy and Kay, I gave Virginia a call, only to find that we had worked together at the prison many years back. How nice to have someone I would be comfortable with for this process. I had also worked with her dad for awhile. Good Comfort Zone!

It didn't take Virginia long -- she had the For Sale sign in front of the place and was showing it right away! YIPPEE!! Of course, this is not the time to be selling a house, especially a "handyman's special." I suggested she might have better luck calling the guy with the billboard "We Buy Ugly Houses."

She said my house had "curb appeal." Is that like saying the frosting tastes great but the cake sucks???

Spent a lot of time over at the house sorting and tossing. When down to the last few things, I just loaded it in the truck and decided to sort at the RV. With the house closed up, I couldn't stay in there long - actually got sick to my stomach while there -- evidentially I'm a slow learner. I had to be out of air and lung power to quit smoking and half-dead to get out of that house!

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