Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reflecting on Spring in Gatesville - March/April/May


Starting Sunday, May 18th, I would be back on the road. Lee and Mary Jane would come sometime Sunday to help me hitch up this 5th wheel -- plan to be in Iowa May 21.

It seems to be taking me longer to organize and pack up -- maybe because over time I've accumulated more or maybe I just have not learned the true meaning of downsizing??? I've been plugging away at getting stuff stowed, packed and tied down. At least the house is emptied out. I guess you can say I'm officially "houseless."

Getting back to Gatesville in March wasn't much of a problem. Marv hitched me up in Rockport and I cruised right on back into the Gatesville WalMart parking lot for the night. I understand I left Rockport just about the right time -- they had high winds and a tornado hit near Corpus Christi right after I left. WHEW!!! I'm sure my friends down that way figure I had something to do with that weather. Over the years I have made many trips to Corpus Christi for their bird marts; never managed to leave there without some type of storm event!

Didn't have any problems coming back. It was 70 degrees and sunny when I got into town Wednesday afternoon. I should have gone directly to the RV park and unhitched THEN!! But I spent the nite at Camp Wally World with plans to meet some friends for the evening.

By Thursday AM it was freezing drizzle with snow on its way. I turned a little too wide going into the RV park (my brain still sings "swing wide," "turn wide") - and I nearly wiped out their bird feeder and bird bath. But Ed came out to get me out of the jam -- I finally made it into my space just fine - of course, it is a pull-thru! Ed helped me unhitch -- it sure is a lot easier with two people doing it. It was like "ol' home week." The guy next to me came out to say HI, he was glad to see me back, and started pitching in to help. We must have been quite a sight -- three old fools out in the freezing rain and snow! Maybe next ear I'll stay in Rockport a little longer! I've booked my space there from December 1 - March 19 - think I might try to extend until April 1.

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