Sunday, July 4, 2010

Catching Up - June 1-6, 2010

TUESDAY JUNE 1 BRRRR 55 degrees Had to dig out the hoodies my sister sent me a couple of winters ago!

Li'lBit took me on a short walk this AM. In the morning she always goes out,finds one or two spots, waters the grass, I stand in the doorway and she comes back. Not today! She decided she had to poop and she couldn't go in just one place! I ended up wandering around behind her with my puppy poopy bags. What a way to start the day! Then Holly decided to come out - guess I hadn’t closed the door securely – Holly, Holly, Baby Holly, come home! She did! At least I didn’t have to chase her too far. My singing always stops her in her tracks!

I'm getting nowhere on this broken laptop deal! After spending nearly an hour on hold and being transferred from department to department, Staples now says it is a Hewlett Packard problem and I have to contact HP 'cuz it was less than one year. So out to the truck I go to get the damn computer, then call HP. This is a bunch of CRAP! If I was paying long distances charges, I'd have spent the cost of a new computer by now!

Needed to clear my mind of computer disasters - ran into the nursery to pick up some plants for around the RV. Found a nice plant to attract hummingbirds – will go great in my hanging basket.

Radar shows a big chunk of storms up on the Minnesota line. Going out to take down the hanging baskets and flags. Big band of red, orange and yellow radar images headed straight across Iowa.

Crawled out of bed about mid-morning Wednesday looking like I had the mumps or a toothache or something! Headache, ear ache, swollen face,just felt plum icky. Definitely needed a doc! I think I'm sick from sinus drips....the right side of my face under my eye was swollen and tender all the way down to my jaw and my ear aches, sinuses on that side of my face are cruddy -- wish I had some penicillin. Will have to renew my stash from the feed store when I get back to Texas in the fall.

HUMID! Turned on the A/C and the dehumidifier!

Bea got me an appt with her doc. Got some antibiotics and anti-histamines. I think it is the oak tree pollen. The pollen things are all over the place....but I like it here so much, I'll just put up with it. I did stay in for two days with the A/C on instead of going outside.

By Friday I felt like doing something other than feeling sorry for myself . Face still swollen, of course I didn't expect it to go down overnite! I'll probably have a sore where I drool out of the corner of my mouth -- it is starting to get red and I'm sure the acid from the nasal crap irritates it -- now, isn’t that more than you wanted to know! I'll dig out dad's favorite medicine, campho-phenique and start using that. I definitely had to get busy and finish putting stuff away -- I'd been living 1/2 unpacked for over a week!

Took the table cloth off of the picnic table so the table could dry out and put my plants back up. Didn’t put the flags out, they were still predicting thunderstorms but not the winds this time. GEEZ! Welcome to Spring in Iowa!

I had to chuckle when my sister told me that Mary, the owner of the park, called her to see if I was OK. She noticed I hadn't put my plants and flags back up after taking them down for the storm and that there weren't any lights on at the RV. Bea told her I had been sick and was OK -- just resting and staying out of the pollen! Mary said she didn't want to come over and bother me until she checked with Bea first! Guess I don't have to worry about my sister not finding out what I do!

Li'lBit and I took the garbage out and walked and pooped - well, Li'lBit pooped, I walked! She is taking longer and longer walks…wish she would realize she is an OLD DOG with an old owner!

Have a minor problem -- leak in my bathroom sink. Was doing some hand-laundry to spot wash some things with my ZOTE soap (love that soap!) -- found a trail of water from the sink to the shower. Fortunately it wasn't a lot of water, but it was a mess! I think I can patch the crack with some plumber’s epoxy that I have. If not, I'll just have to stuff something in that overflow hole! I'm not going to the expense of replacing the entire sink. It's always something with these RVs, I guess it is from bouncing them around on the highways!

Had to check in with Rockport RV park and with friends down that way – heard a tornado touched down there. I know they aren’t used to tornadoes unless they are accompanied by hurricanes! Reports came back “all is well.” That’s GOOD!

JUNE 5 SATURDAY All of the predicted storms went south of us last nite - my weather radio alarm went off about 11:30, it was raining...stayed up for awhile, turned on the computer to watch the radar, it still ticks me off that this new TV system goes belly up when it storms -- can't get a thing on the TV but mumble-jumble, of course, here I'm on the antenna and a converter box. Storm was moving south, so I went back to bed! About an hour south of here they got over 4 inches of rain last nite, the ground is already saturated, and it was still raining in the AM -- they said water was running in the streets! Sorry for them, but glad it missed me!

JUNE 6 SUNDAY Brunch with Bea -- that's what I've started calling the 'tradition" my sister and I have of going out to breakfast on Sunday. This morning, instead of McDonalds or some other fast food breakfast place, we went to Perkins and had their "Over 55 special." Still way too much food but I sat there and ate it all and drank a whole pot of coffee! One egg, 2 sausage links, hash browns and 2 pancakes! I won't need to eat for the rest of the day. Too bad there isn’t some way to bring some of it home and eat it later – but nothing on the plate really re-heats very well!

I had a flank steak marinating in some homemade marinade...usually I do a red wine vinegar, soy sauce, olive oil, garlic clove and honey mix...but didn't have any honey, so used apple butter instead! It doesn't taste bad, if I say so myself.

The flags went back up and the plants came out from under the RV AGAIN! This, too, is becoming a spring ritual! Rain predicted on and off for the week -- but at least not stormy or heavy. AND, my plants can use the rain since I just repotted everything.

Can you believe, someone swiped the shepherd hooks out from the back of my pick up! Unbelievable - I only use them in Iowa so it could have happened anywhere -- at least this is a good time to buy new -- they are on sale all over! They did leave me my double hook, so I could get my hummingbird feeder and the hanging basket up.

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