There is nothing like good friends and good food. A new pasta restaurant opened up in Gatesville so I had to try that out. And I really do have to get "filled up" with friends while I'm here. I'm leaving for Iowa May 19 and won't be back until after Labor Day.
I had to catch up on missed lunches with Brenda. Brenda is a dear friend and is very important to my well-being! She is my mail drop point and my home of record -- she is definitely a large part of my ability to do this wandering in the RV.
Mary Jane put on a spread at her house for lunch on day. WOW!!! Piggy-piggy-piggy coming to the trough! She must have spent the day cooking. I so enjoyed my visits with Lee and Mary Jane. It is because of Lee and Mary Jane that I'm doing this RV thing and enjoying it so much. Their RVing trips started me thinking -- I can do it!
And, Oh, how I missed coffee with Johnnie! I must have driven Bobby and Johnnie totally nuts! I was constatntly walking up to their door. I'd catch myslelf looking at the clock to see if Johnnie was home from work so I could go out! And, the Sunday dinners! She even fixed a whopper of a Sunday meal for my birthday -- all of my favorites -- meatloaf, greens, butter beans, frog-eye salad - complete with cake and ice cream! Johnnie and her family have taken me in like an old' stray dog and given me a home!
Easter Sunday was spent at Johnnie's - watching the grandkids with their Easter egg hunt - and watching them eat way too much candy and get on really good sugar highs for the remainder of the day! Sundays and Holidays just aren't the same if not spent with Johnnie's family.

Soon to be on the road again and on May 6th, I break my glasses. Well, actually broke the frames. At least they are frames/lenses I got here in town at the eye doc -- so I went over to see if they could get them repaired. Of course, they don't carry that frame anymore! So, as they order a part, and I hope it gets here in time, I'm wearing an old pair of glasses -- like I don't have enough trouble seeing! They came in with one day to spare!
As it got closer to 'hitch up' day, I still had a few errands to run -- need to get by the automotive place and pick up spare fuses for all of my electrical cords and chargers. Still had to close out my lock box. I even emailed my sister to have her check out the 235 by pass around Des Moines, search out the nearest propane dealers, fing out exit numbers from the interestatre! Hey, What are Sisters for??
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