Friday, March 5, 2010

Starting My February Report -- OK, I'm behind!!!

I’m running out of things to say on the blog – how many ways can I say it is raining, cold, windy, my lungs are crappy, I can’t get any air, I don’t feel like going anywhere or doing anything, I think I’ll take to my bed and breathing machines today, I’m waiting for the propane truck, I have a pot of soup on in the crock pot!!!

This is the first winter down here that has given me so many problems, so I guess 1 out of 3 ain’t bad!

At least I am grateful that I’m not getting the snow, wind, and ice my sister is getting or even the much smaller amount of the same that my friends in central Texas are getting! With all of this winter weather in the Midwest, I have started checking with the Marshalltown IA newspaper each AM when I get on line to see if my sister is going to have school.

When I can’t get any “good air,” I do spend a lot of time setting and doing nothing or taking to my bed with the oxygen tank! Since I’m not good at working the laptop in bed, I have been doing lots of reading and some crocheting. By the 15th of the month, I had finished my 15th book. I hope Johnnie is going to have time for some reading when I get back to Gatesville and dump these books on her counter!

I’ve always loved to read, but the infection in the right eye and then the blurred and eventual lost vision took some of the pleasure out of it. But, I really think that film on my right eye is thinning out some. There are days I can see so much light through it, I can see movement and some things up close. In fact, the gradual thinning has increased the blurring – and causes some difficulty – I try to focus and see out of the right eye and that just doesn’t work. Oh, I am so grateful for the loss of the pain and the improvement!

The first week in February temps were still in the 40s. The furnace and dehumidifier ran much of the time – along with the crock pot! All of this and my electric bills still stay about $59.00 so I won’t complain about that – I’m warm and dry.

The weatherman had predicted 3-5 inches of rain with coastal flooding. Althought we got our share of rain, fortunately the ‘coastal flooding’ part did not come to pass. I have a feeling I will have more than my share of flooding when I get to Iowa in May and experience the results of the snow melt!

When I woke up on the 5th of Feb, there was a strange huge orange ball in the sky – had to ask around about it and was told that was the SUN! YIPPEE! It really didn’t burn out and fall out of the universe! By the end of the week, Li’l Bit and I were enjoying our time outside.

An RV acquaintance, Roberta, bought a home in Rockport….going to put that motor home up for sale, I guess. She had a housewarming get-together. Really nice ‘home on stilts’ with a view of the gulf. My lungs were still full of mold and crud, so going up the steps took some time and I really didn’t have the energy or air to stay long to visit. But I did want to get there to give her a good luck bamboo plant. Every home needs one of those.

The surprise soup of the week was a pot of chili I made using some left-over pork fajita meat rather than hamburger. What a treat! Will have to do that again sometime.

Since Mardi Gras festivities are up and going in Louisiana, I got brave and made my own King Cake. Not sure I’ll try THAT again! Also ate a lot of crawfish. I’m not much of an okra person so many of the recipes from Louisiana have to be altered some to make it into my crock pot.

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