Sunday, August 17, 2008

Iowa in July, Part II

Linda, from the RV park in Gatesville, called. I told her I'd be back sometime after Labor Day. Ed and Linda have become great friends and I'm looking forward to getting back to see them. I think Bea is getting used to having me here -- she asked if I didn't want to stay longer in September if the weather was good. Currently my reservations are until just after Labor Day. I'll wait and see what my medical appointment schedule looks like.

Some goldfinches have been here gathering up the hair I comb from Li'l Bit. I put it in the flower pot and they can easily find it there. There must have been close to a dozen out there the other day looking for more hair. Li'l Bit has skin problem and needs all of the hair she has! Can't let the finches have ALL of it!

Four inches of rain in 45 minutes on the 18th...complete with winds from the northwest. EXCITING. For awhile I thought I was riding out a hurricane -- just a little hurricane -- only lasted about 45 minutes but it definitely got my attention.

Sure, I'll come to Iowa again next summer -- after all, even with the rain and humidity, it is still a good 10 degrees cooler here, day and night, than it is in Texas. This crazy weather pattern has been horrible. Certainly it cannot do this TWO years in a row!

I thought I had a leak somewhere at the base of the toilet or in one of the pipes. The carpeting in the undercompartment was damp around the handle that opens up the sewer line. It didn't smell like sewer, but it wasd damp. I left the compartment open all day to dry out -- now I think it was just damp from the pounding rain we had the other night. Maybe the seal around that compartment door is getting old and dry.

The guy next to me in the Montana 5th wheel moved out yesterday. That leaves me with the illusion of a really big front yard!

The Des Moines Register's (the state's main newspaper) RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) starts with the back ties of the bikes in the Missouri River on Iowa's western border - - and seven days later, after riding about 500 miles across the state, the riders put their front tires intotheMisissippi River. Doesn't sound like much of a vacation to me! This year they ware coming across the middle of Iowa and iwll be riding within a few miles of Marshalltown.

It isn't a competition - just a fun ride -- brought nearly 20,000 folks from all over the world. The families and supporters follow in vans, campers, and RVs. Some ride for a day, some do he whole thing. Some have a 'mission' and are raising funds for charities, others are just out for a family bike ride. It has become quite a tourist thing. The towns designated as night stops have a real carnival atmosphere, food, concerts. It is quite the event here in Iowa.....and the tradition continues even though there is still damage control to do from the tornados and flooding.

We had another long line of wind and thunderstorms come through the 20th. We are still getting slammed every 2-3 days. I was setting at the picnic table when the sirens went off! Another damn tornado -- I'm tired of this! I'm just gonna set here at the table and holler, "Calgon take me away!" -- when the damn thing barrels across the field -- it if gets that close, I'm sure I will scream out some obscenities and go wherever the wind takes me!

I heard the sirens again about 3AM. I had my "get out" bag and my radio going. Got up and checked the radar on the laptop and "in my expert opinoin" it didn't look like it was going to last too long and was probably much worse northwest of Marshalltown. So I just went back to sleep with one ear open -- I did hear the people from the pop up across the drive going into the shower room -- oh, and I was sleeping in shorts & t-shirt again, just in case!

According to the news in the AM , the tornado never touched down. Lucked out again! Wonder how many times I can beat this weather. Lots of trees down and power out south of me but I'm high and dry and everything still working! I may be getting tired of thise but I sure dont want that central Texas heat! It cannot be said that I am a 'fair weather' traveler!

Newspaper article: REGISTER STAFF REPORTS - JULY 21, 2008
Storm Brings Power Outages, Winds to 100 mph
More than 200,000 customers of Iowa's two largest utilities were without power on Monday afer a line of severe thunderstorms roared across the state with winds as high as 100 mph. The storms moved from west to east, ripping up trees and power lines in its path.

RVs coming in -- construction workers working on the power lines from the last few storms and flooding. Also getting workers in here that are repairing the roads and bridges.

By the end of July, Li'l Bit was getting progressively worse with her rash and scratching -- and she just looked miserable -- all since her little wild hemp plant was weed-whipped down! Bea made an appointment at the vet -- no, my sister doesn't have any critters. Still don't have my truck and I know that Bea is NOT an animal lover! I had a carrier ready, but she said Li'l Bit could set on my lap. Li'l Bit likes Bea and she slowly inched her way over to rest her head on Bea's leg!

On the way home, Li'l Bit was getting kinda 'antsy' -- Bea asked if she needed to get out -- I explained we usually go for Dairy Queen after she goes to the vet. She probably thinks she is going to get ice cream. Surpise, Surprise!! Bea stopped at Dairy Queen to get Li'l Bi a treat! WHEW -- is my sister mellowing?

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